ESP32-C3: Set-up Develop Environment with VSCode


  • OS: Windows 11
  • IDE: Visual Studio Code (Version: 1.79.1)
  • VSCode Extension: Espressif IDF (Version: 1.6.3)


  • ESP-IDF configuration
    – Open the Show Command Palette (F1 key) and select “ESP-IDF: Select where to save configuration settings”.
    – Select one of the items below. (Choose “Global”)
        > Global
        > Workspace
        > Workspace Folder
    – After that, if you run “ESP-IDF: configure ESP-IDF extension”, you can see the image below. (Choose “EXPRESS”)

  • Install
    – As shown in the image below, select the ESP-IDF version and container/tools folder.
    (ex. Version: 4.4 / directory: D:\__WS_ESP_IDF_V_4_4)
    – Click the “Install” button.

  • Create Work Directory
    – Create a new folder(_Work) in the directory where ESP-IDF is installed. (ex. D:__WS_ESP_IDF_V_4_4\_Work)
    – Open the created directory with File > Open Folder in the VSCode menu.
    – Select View > Terminal from the VSCode menu to open a “Terminal” window.
    – As shown in the image below, select the red box in the ESP-IDF menu at the bottom of VSCode and change “Powershell Terminal” to “ESP-IDF Terminal”.

  • Create Project
    – Create a project(test) with the following command in the terminal window.
        $ create-project test
    – Then, a folder with the project name is created in the working folder.
    – After that, close the current folder and open the created project folder (test) again.

  • Configuration Project – Target Device
    – Open the Show Command Palette (F1 key) and select “ESP-IDF: Set Espressif device target”.
    – After that, select the ESP32 device to use from the list. (ex.esp32c3)

  • Configuration Project – (Re)Flash Method
    – Open the Show Command Palette (F1 key) and select “ESP-IDF: Flash Method”.
    – After that, selete the method. (ex. UART)

  • Configuration Project – SDK
    – Open the Show Command Palette (F1 key) and select “ESP-IDF: SDK Configuration editor (menuconfig)”.
    – Just click the Save button and close the window.
        [Note!] “sdkconfig.old” file is created.

  • Build Project
    – Open the Show Command Palette (F1 key) and select “ESP-IDF: Build your project”.
    – If the image below appears, the build is successful. (It takes quite a bit of time to build.)

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